Since I have a medium cervix, I was unable to use the wow menstrual cup as it was too long for me Watch this video to take a close look at the wow freedom c A menstrual cup should be of the right size It should be sterilised every month, before and after use Always wash hands before inserting a menstrual cup into the vagina Menstrual cups should be emptied after every 412 hours If one is experiencing a heavy flow, then it is advised to empty them more frequentlyTalisi Reusable Menstrual Cups with Collapsible Silicone Foldable Sterilizing Cup Set of 3 Small Large Sizes Silicone Soft Cups with Sterilizer Feminine Hygiene Period Cup Tampon and Pad Alternative Softdisc Menstrual Disc Softcup 14 Discs Cleaner Disposable Model of Reusable Silicone Cups, Period Cup, Tampon Women w/Heavy or Sensitive Flow 1 Size Model Small,
Reusable Menstrual Cup For Women Menstrual Cup Namyaa Skincare